Product code
0095 (500gr)
0096 (1000gr)
Product handling
Keep in cool and dry place
Shelf life
2 months
10 pieces(500gr)/box
5 pieces(1000gr)/box
30 boxes/pallet
Every spring, just before Easter, we knead our Easter brioche type doughs put a boiled red egg in the middle, bake and package them in square branded boxes with a transparent opening for your customers to be able to see the three wonderful versions of our Greek traditional festive sweet breads: classic with freshly roasted almonds, coated with white chocolate and coated with dark chocolate.
Thermi Thessaloniki, Greece
P.O.Box. 60045 – P.C. GR 57001
Email [email protected]
Tel:.: +30 2310 472221 -2
Fax: +30 2310 472226