Product code
Product handling
Keep in cool and dry place
Shelf life
4 months
12 pieces/box
56 boxes/pallet
In Greece, Christmas cannot be celebrated without Melomakarona! That’s why every year, we make a wonderful, soft dough with fine semolina and fresh orange juice that is left to rest long enough for the ingredients to blend together, before baking. The result is a well-baked, fluffy dessert, bathed in delicious honey syrup and garnished with fresh walnuts and chocolate coating.
You will find our Melomakarona in three flavors, classic with honey and walnuts, and also, with a white chocolate or a couverture chocolate glaze.
Thermi Thessaloniki, Greece
P.O.Box. 60045 – P.C. GR 57001
Email [email protected]
Tel:.: +30 2310 472221 -2
Fax: +30 2310 472226