
Guided by the UN agenda 2030 for a better world

In September 2015, the United Nations agreed upon 17 Sustainable Development Goals for a better world. At Biscotti Tsoungari, sustainability, as a holistic notion, is gradually being integrated into our operation. We are not a big player to end poverty, fight inequalities and tackle climate change, but we are a confident Greek family business that believes that everyone can make a difference and deliver our world a little better than we have received it.

Based on this idea we contribute to the collective effort and systematically implement a series of actions that include:

  • our operation with respect for the consumer, the local community, government authorities, and the natural environment
  • creating a safe working place
  • the support and promotion of our gastronomic tradition
  • checking our suppliers and the raw materials we use
  • the sustainable expansion of our industry and exports
  • supporting socially vulnerable groups through donations and participation in humanitarian activities
  • saving resources and implementing a recycling program